Calixto Systems releases buildroot configuration file and board specific patches for System on Modules, which generates a single tar file comprising a sample root filesystem, the kernel image and the bootloader image.The sample root filesystem can then be configured according to the need.
Buildroot is a set of Makefiles and patches that makes it easy to generate a complete embedded Linux system. Buildroot can generate any or all of a cross-compilation toolchain, a root filesystem, a kernel image and a bootloader image. Buildroot is useful mainly for people working with small or embedded systems, using various CPU architectures (x86, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, etc.) : it automates the building process of your embedded system and eases the cross-compilation process.
Download LinkThe Linux Board Support Packages released by Calixto Systems for its system on modules are compatible with Yocto Project which allow projects to be carried forward over time without causing you to lose optimizations and investments made during the project’s prototype phase.
The Yocto Project is an open-source collaboration project focused on embedded Linux developers. Among other things, the Yocto Project uses a build system based on the OpenEmbedded (OE) project, which uses the BitBake tool, to construct complete Linux images.
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